Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Portfolio Task 6 
         Nowadays, a lot of people like to travel and spend their holidays in most popular countries for that they need to change their currencies, but it will be easier if we have a global currency and others disagree with this idea. In this essay I will write the advantage and disadvantage about Global currency.
         Firstly, let us start with the advantage. When traveling to other countries, money exchange wouldn’t be a problem so that we can buy staff without having any problem. Another advantage is that you can buy from the internet without being hustled. Another advantage will be that people will not have to travel and leave their families to work for foreign countries and that will end up to have a lot of job opportunities.
        Although there are some advantages, there are also some disadvantages. The first disadvantage is that the big countries will fight for the name and for the place of the main office. For example, strong countries will say that they want the global currency to be the better and poor countries will want it to be their currency so it will end up with a war. Another disadvantage is that the entire world will be equal in living level and rich countries will be equal with poor countries. If all people are rich then there will be no inventions and the compares will be broke.
All in all, my advice is that we have to make global currency because this makes all countries in one side and all of them in same level of economy.  

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