Wednesday, June 6, 2012

English project

English projects
Most important changes or developments in communication technology
Course : ENGL N264

Hazza Faisal

                No doubt that there is a huge and massive revolution in communication technology. There are a lot of different inventions through the latest years in the field of communication technology.
            Communication technology helps us in many aspects of our life. It has a lot of benefits for humanity. It made our life easier. Because of communication technology we can call each other from a  long distance in any part of the world. We can also see each other through the internet by using social networks or video calls using mobile phones.
            There are many changes and developments in communication technology. One of these changes is satellites which transmit TV channels through space. These satellites made great changes in communication. They receive signals from transmitting stations on land and again, they send these signals to other places all over the world. TV channels now can send news reports about some events live at the same time it happens. Images became clear because of satellites. Satellites helped in increasing the number of TV channels; the increase in the number of channels is useful for us to increase our knowledge and to see what happens around the world. Now, there are a lot of specialized channels such as agriculture, medicine, finance and sport. These channels give a lot of information and advice in many aspects in our life. These channels give us information about weather which benefits us before going out of our homes. The specialist channels made a huge and massive progress and development.
            Because of the satellites of communication we can know and see the events as they are happening time all over the world. They transmit live events. The channels show different points of view. These points of view make us understand what is happening around us. We know about habits and traditions of other countries with the help of TV channels. There are also satellites for forecasting weather to avoid dangers of changes in weather, earthquakes and volcanoes.
            Navigation satellites are sent into space to send out radio signals which help ships and aircraft to work out where they are. Radar from satellites is also used for remote sensing. Arab sat and Nile sat are Arabic satellites. They provide education, culture, news, sport and children’s entertainment. Satellites can be manned or unmanned. Some satellites are manned by astronauts who do repair work and scientific experiments in space. Unmanned satellites have many uses in communications and navigation. I can say that our life, with the help of communication satellites, became better and easier.
            The other change or development which I will write about is the development in mobiles. In the past mobiles were normal. They were used for calls only. There are changes and developments in mobiles. They can now transmit calls with images of people who are talking with each other. These images became clear. Some mobiles could send messages to other people. We can store a lot of applications. We can put different programs with different uses on mobiles. We can know times of prayers from mobiles. We can also read the Quran on mobiles and we can play many games on mobiles.
            There are some programs which make our use of mobiles easy. There is something called Bluetooth on mobiles which can transmit information and pictures from one mobile to another, but only for a short distance. But now this information and these pictures can be sent long distances by high technology. Today, we can send pictures of events all over the world from place to place live.
            Mobiles can show us videos. Also, they are used as radio and give us news about anything; there are calculators in mobiles to do calculations. Now, we can hear the videos and calls even if we do not put mobiles on our ears with the help of a new application called Bluetooth; we can store secret information in mobiles with an application which cannot allow others to know it. Nowadays, there are a lot of mobiles that do not have buttons to be used but a new technology called touch so we can do anything using this technology. There are new mobiles called smart phones which have the most modern technology. They can give us maps through connecting to satellites. They can give us directions in any place all over the world.
            At the end, I can see that there are a lot of changes and developments in communication technology. This technology made our life better and easier. I advise not only others but also myself to use these devices correctly. We should make use of their advantages and we should not use them badly. We thank all scientists who invent and develop these technologies.    

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