Sunday, April 22, 2012

Portfolio task 4

Cooperation & Competition

            We have a lot of problems when we want to improve our children to become useful adults. There are many ways we can help these children such as their family, their friends and school. In this essay I am going to compare these two skills and give my opinion.
            Fist of all, there are major advantages of making competition between children. The first advantage is that all children will work hard to get high marks because everyone of them wants to win the competitions. The second advantage is that everyone can do his work individually without depending on others. The last advantage is that children will not depend on their teachers when they become adults because they learned how to work alone when they were children.

            Although there are major advantages of competition there are major advantages of cooperation. The first advantages is that when we make a group we have to mix the children; for example in one group we have to select one good child and one lazy child to improve one lazy child to become one of the best children because a good child will help him by giving him new information or sharing the ideas with him. The second advantage is that when we make cooperating between children we will get competing between groups at the same time. The last advantage of cooperating is that nobody will fail because the other children or his group can help him.

            All in all, in my opinion, after I compared the advantages of both skills, I found that encouraging cooperation between children is more helpful and a nicer way to improve our children.  (280)

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